Easter (Istar)
Eastern religion
ECTOPLASM: An illusory secretion from the body of the physic allegedly emitted froma spirit that it’s channeling in hopes to lure deceptive, unsuspectedindividual into a legitimate conjuring of a love one when in fact it’s a familiar.
EFFEMINATE: A man that have the feminine characteristics, in close association of with a catamite spirit; soft, no validity of masculinity.
Emotional damage
ENCROACHMENT: Is a demonic spirit that targets a specific individual and gains entry through aloophole, curse and or invitation through the means of physics, occult, and cult,any sphere of darkness. The spirit of encroachment’s objective is gainpossession with the end result being death. It engages the unsuspectedunawares, as it clandestinely intercepts, increasingly violating the individual’severy move; notwithstanding demonic inhibitors has now merged to prohibitprogress and block orchestrated phases ordained by God.The demon sets the individual up while impeding their freedom little by little.Lured, the individual is having an inability to discern what is happening untothem, he or she is clueless, being side tracked, assumingly believing they’remaintaining the course, when in reality it has been pre-empted. By the time an individual has conceived that something is inevitably wrong it’s to late, they are in one of the four stages of demonic encroachment it being the exordium of phases,although the following phases of encroachment may not run chronologically.Once the demon has nurtured its victim physical manifestations can gounchallenged thus being diagnosed as psychological when indeed its demonicdisplacement. The individual becomes exhausted as they fluctuate in out ofthe Holy Ghost. Now the individual becomes exclusively lodged in the soulrealm with an overwhelming desire to give in to his or her emotions when in factthey’re conceding unto the demonic catalyst of encroachment. Reduced to aninvoluntary state of mind the demon has gained possession; a running of thewill, the individual has transferred power and control.• INFESTATION VEXATION OF THE SPIRIT/ BODY OR MIND• OPPRESSION/ POSSESSION ISOLATION• DEATH DEMONICALLY INFLUENCED
Excessive talking
Are seducing spirits, especially assigned to children, the mentally impaired adult or extremely immature adult to coerce their minds to unlock the doors oftheir will, emotions and imaginations to look into a parallel flow, set in place bydark artist of the demonic world. In this realm are whispers that opens deep ear gates with delusion that sway right judgments and cause participants to live in the world of fantasy and imaginations, until they have tremendous difficulty differentiating reality from the world demon artist has drawn for them.
False Apostle
Familiar spirits
Familiar spirit (Physics)
Also see witchcraft
False – Miracles (lying wonders) signs & wonders
Filthy communication
Filthy dreamers
Filthy lucre
Fiery darts
Forbidding marriage
Fortune telling
Foul spirit
Foreign legions
Foreign operatives
Foreign substance
Full of envy
Spiritual gangrene
(Antediluvian demonic spirits of old); also known to be territorial
Graven images
Grand master
Grand wizard
Great red dragon
IDENTITY THIEFT:The demon of identity theft not only robs the identity it also forges believersanointing creating false impersonators in the five fold billing it as their own.Don't be so quick to covet someone else anointing! It could be a coveting demon that lays and wait.
JACKAL: A predatory nocturnal demon that’s cunning, difficult to discern to the novice, It will camouflage by permeating itself with the individual scent or a voidablesubstance thus giving an illusion of its absence, this spirit is communal itoperates not alone. And can track a leaky Christian to consume them bydaybreak, and are strategically ravenous. The Jackal spirit is satanically aconcomitant of witches and such alike and is utilized by them, receivingcommands from them to attack the set, assign individual; non-diversion in itefforts.
Revelations 1:11; 14:16 (luke warm spirit); wishy-washy, stand for nothing,[impressible] man pleaser. Clutching apathy, they are carnal and lack the spirit of God, grieving His Spirit; they are shifty in the praise and worship, heartless. Nothaving a backbone they are passive and will give in to pacify. This spiritgives a whole new meaning of compromise.
Queen of female devils (demons); nocturnal queen demon. Similarities ofthe queen bee; she incubating numerous demons. Lilith hates men but will usethem to her procreated advantages, her offspring. Thus searching for infantssuffocating (SIDS), them a substitution, she kills the living to procreatesupernaturally her progenies of evils. She sleeps with men (succubus) causingthem to copulate and use it for procreation of demon sons
The magi spirit is against kingdom ruler ship! It orchestrated the assassination of new dimensionalist once they are revealed, to prevent maturity. They want gifts discovery when you’re to young to use, but old enough to know it
An archaic monstrous spirit and can operate generationally. Its size prodigious,which it uses to its advantage to instill fear, set as an inimical force seeminglyimpenetrable. It can adapt to any atmosphere, making it a geographic spirit (traveling), it is not bound by a specific realm. A person with this spirit hopsfrom one church to another, believing that the church is the problem and leaving it to go to another and finding himself or herself in the same situation.This spirit loves to wallow in the muck and mire, the sea of worldliness.
Mastodon is greatly used by the kingdom of darkness, a high ranking, andruler of darkness (principality). It can strategically form a threefold-cordalliancing a vagabond, goat and wondering spirit, assigning this cord to anunsuspected Saint (?) who is unwittingly walking aimlessly in disobedience.
It trick the mind thru imagery by reflecting what it want the brain to accept, adjust and sculpt for the strongman, the familiar spirits. There are literallythousands of billions of imagery they have recorded and put in to play sincethe beginning of man’s failure and angelic fall. It definitely takes the HolyGhost, since each spirit assigned against families that were effective andtravel thru years until they were cast out have fought opportunities to reload andothers that has perpetrated has strengthens themselves can pull these imagesand cloning thru a 21st century port.
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